Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

ANU-Research and Publication Council

The University Research and Publication Board shall be responsible for advising Academic Board and the President on matters relating to the quality and standard of research and publications, relevant to the University research. University Research and Publication

aims to foster and stimulate research efforts and creative projects by providing intellectual and financial support for artistic and scholarly work. The University Research and Publication Board is the governance body for the Office of the University Research and Development.

The University Research and Publication Board serves to provide feedback and suggestions on a broad range of research related initiatives, policies, procedures, and enhancements at the University.

Terms of reference

The Board may advise the President through the Academic Board on:

v matters relating to research and research training at the University

v major issues relevant to the University’s strategic plans

v any matter referred to the Council by the Academic Board, the President or the Chair of the Council.

v Promote faculty research and publications through ANUJAT

v Matters relating to quality and standard of research and publication


The Board, in carrying out its role, will:

1. monitor the development of the University’s policies and plans in relation to research

2. advise on the coordination of the University’s research effort

3. monitor the quality of the University’s research activities.

4. Advise the Director of Research and Editor of ANUJAT on the overall ANU research enterprise, including, but not limited to:

a. Strategic planning to maximize the research productivity of faculty and staff, and to support highly innovative and transformative research.

b. Allocation of flexible resources, including resources provided by ANU, such as support for research competitions, matching funds for grants, funding for recruitment and retentions, and honoring research contributions.

c. Major campus-wide research programmes and activities/events.

d. Compliance processes and quality assurance purposes.

e. Approving policies governing five-year reviews for ANU research centers to ensure that centers remain at the leading edge of new discoveries.

(5) Create committees to study specific topics, as needed.

Board Representatives

The University Research and Publication Board benefits from the contributions of University senior faculty and administration. The members of the University Research and Publication Board include representation from Academic Affairs, Research and Development, ANUJAT, University Technology, the Schools namely School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences and School of Humanities and Sciences and A member from the School’s Research Committee. University Research and Publication Board members are expected to represent the interests of the university community at large.


The Research Advisory Council is chaired by Director of the University Research. The acting chair is Dr. Carlene Kyeremeh- Vice President of Academic Affairs and assisted by Dr. Emmanuel Attah Kumah- Senior Assistant Director, University Advancement. The council consists of the deans of all the four schools or their designees. The School’s Research Committee rep, Director of University Technology and Library head. The University Research and Publication Board is made up of the following:

Research Advisory Board

School’s Research Committees

Research Advisory Board

Research Advisory Board is made up of the Vice President-Academic Affairs, Managing Editor of ANUJAT, Director of University Research, Director of University Advancement, Director of University Technology, Director of ANU-SSTL and all the deans from the four schools. Members of the Research Advisory Board are:

Dr. Carlene Kyeremeh: Research Chair

Dr. Emmanuel Attah Kumah: Research Co-ordinator

Dr. Richard Damoah- ANU-SSTL Project Director

Dr. Oware Theophilus: Ethics Advisor

Dr. Mark Boadu: Dean-School of Business

Nana Dr. Baah Boakye-Dean, School of Engineering

Dr. Philipa Jilly: Dean-School of Humanities and Sciences

Ing. Dr. Archibald Danquah Amoah: Assistant Dean-School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences

Ing. Benjamin Bonsu- ANU-SSTL Manager

Meeting Protocol

The University Research Council meets once a month in the first and second semesters on the second Friday of the month from 12 to 1 p.m. in the University Senate Hall, City Campus.

Meetings during the summer months are held at the discretion of the committee, and if held, will be done so at the same time and place.

Special meetings of The University Research and Publication Council may be held as necessary, and any details for special meetings will be posted in advance.

If you have any items or topics you would like to bring before The University Research Council , please contact Dr. Emmanuel Attah Kumah on [email protected]/+233201600855

School’s Research Committee

The School’s Research Committee is made up of a representative from the four schools namely School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Biomedical and Allied Health Science, School of Humanities and Sciences. Members of the University Research Committee are:

Dr. Gloria Sraha- Chair/Head of Research Committee, School of Business

Dr. Anita Antwiwaa- Chair/Head of Research Committee, School of Engineering

Dr. Collins Agyemang-Snr. Assistant Registrar-Academic Affairs

Dr. Philip Kisembe- Head of Department, Computer Engineering

Dr. David Boohene- Member of Research Committee, School of Business

Dr. Ampate Koduah- Chair/Head of Research Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences

Mr. Bright Ameyaw Afful-Mensah- Chair/Head of Research Committee, School of Biomedical and Allied Health Science

Mr. Joseph Quansah- ANU-SSTL

Mr. Ernest Martey – ANU-SSTL

Miss Henrietta Oware- Librarian, All Nations University Library.

School’s Research Committee (RC) Terms of Reference

The role of the School Research Committee is to advise and assist the Research Advisory Board leadership and management of research in the University. Its specific responsibility is to advise and assist the Research Advisory Board in the fulfilment of the research aspects of the University Strategic Plan.

The School Research Committee comprises one member of each school (or academic unit) in the University appointed by the school, a representative of the researchers associated with the Department through its schools or associated research units, and a chair appointed by the Head of School.

Members of the School or the wider University, including research units, may be invited to attend for specific agenda items at meetings of the School Research Committee in order to provide advice and assistance.

Working within the general organizational structure of the University, in particular acting as an interface to Schools, to the University, and to the other Department, the remit of the School Research Committee includes

v to agree the School Research Strategy for approval by Research Advisory Board;

v to monitor School progress against the parameters set out by Research Advisory Board;

v to receive and approve Department research strategies;

v to receive regular reports from each Department research committee (where it exists) about progress against the Department strategy to monitor progress of the School and Departments against Key Performance Indicators;

v to facilitate interaction between Departments and Schools to promote interdisciplinary research;

v to manage the School’s engagement with key funding initiatives;

v to promote and exchange best practice in relation to the enhancement and management and conduct of research and knowledge exchange activities.

v Working with researchers and academic units to develop and implement the strategic plan for research

v Working with researchers, research clusters and units to develop School contributions (where appropriate) to national and international funding opportunities

v Communicating and publicising the successes and outputs of School Research activities

v Enhancing relationships and working with Research Committees in other Schools within the University

v Drafting policies and procedures and reviewing current policies

v Interacting with the office of the University Research

Promoting achievements in research and providing a School interface with university research quality measurement exercises

Developing external relationships with funding agencies, nationally and internationally and with other Universities and Research Institutions.

vDiscussing and reporting on any research related issues submitted to the Committee through the Head of Department, Head of School or Research Advisory Council.

The School’s Research Committee reports to the Research Advisory Board.